Welcome to the Volunteer Team Information Page!

This is where all documents, rotas and information that you will need as a volunteer can be found.

UPDATED: 14th November

Please bookmark this page and check back for updates.

The following documents are now available for you to download. Please fully read the email sent out on 9th November and read the supporting notes before filling in the online form:

Rota documents

Final Overall Volunteer Rota 2024 (Version 3)

Brewery Rota - THURSDAY

Brewery Rota - FRIDAY

Brewery Rota - SATURDAY

Brewery Rota - SUNDAY

Notes to support Brewery Rota


Volunteer Handbook (2024)

Other useful things:

Brewery Arts Centre front of house procedures and information pack can be found here.

Volunteers Night recording (this link will take you to YouTube): https://youtu.be/mtQh8Z_Lzo4

Volunteers night slides can be downloaded here (PDF).

Meet the team: Who's Who 2024

Please can you complete this online form to confirm all is well (or otherwise!): https://wkf.ms/48Iy9fK. Thank you :)

Gaps and extra support: Please complete this online form to feedback on or confirm your rota and to let us know if you can cover any gaps (see email).

The handbook should have answers to most of your questions. Plus lots of useful and essential information about the festival, volunteering, tasks, roles and other top tips. When it is uploaded here please take some time to read and digest this. In the meantime please use the facebook group for any queries.

Arriving at the festival - On your arrival at the Festival you must report to the Volunteers Room (upstairs in the Brewery Arts Centre opposite the studio) to register, collect your kit and lanyard and to confirm you have arrived at the Festival. There are also some health and safety documents you will need to read and sign you have read. Preferably we ask you register between 4pm-8pm on Thursday or first thing on Friday morning (it will be open from 8.30am).

  • Please note the 'Brewery' shifts also include Parish Hall, Abbott Hall Social Club, Secret Sessions and Barrel House Venue sessions so its a busy rota!
  • 'Basecamp' shifts will also for the first time include a bit of Front of House this year as we introduce the new 120 seater 'Yeti Yurt'. Basecamp shifts also incorporate the Information Desk.

Prep/takedown support - For those who have offered to assist in the prep week / takedown afterwards - I will be in touch directly.

Facebook group - if you have not yet, please join the Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/kendalvolunteers. If you think you have, but you have not had your request approved yet, this may be because your facebook name is different to that which you have applied to us with - if this is the case please email kendalmountainvolunteers@gmail.com.

This page and the Facebook group is where most of the various last minute updates will be posted (but if you are not on facebook do not worry, just email before the event or speak to us direct over the weekend.) It’s also a good place to post and answer questions (probably better than email as more people can answer your query). We absolutely encourage you to post any questions that you think would be useful for others to know the answers to.

Thanks all! Tom and team

© Kendal Mountain Festival 2024